
前言:三期大開普渡,明師應運倒裝下凡,一佛出世,萬仙護持。 母訓:「先天裡 母不留仙佛神聖,眾菩薩眾仙真俱投凡塵」;「此一次開普渡亙古無有,萬古的真奇緣巧遇此春」,如此因緣,可謂白陽殊機。


廣濟書院 謹識


54 Teachings from Nanhai Buddha

一、忙得快樂 累得歡喜

Be happy in busyness; be joyful in fatigue.

二、忙而不亂 累而不疲

We can be busy, but not disorderly; we can be tired but not burned-out.

三、道務要趕不要急 身心要鬆不要緊 隨遇而安隨緣奉獻

Tao affairs should be executed with speed without rushing.  Body and mind should be relaxed without tension. Be at ease under all circumstances and make contributions in accordance with the situation.

四、給別人方便 等於給自己方便 是種福田

Being accommodating to others is being accommodating to ourselves, and doing that is sowing the field with blessings.

五、肚量要大 自我要小 處事少障礙

Having a big heart and a small ego will reduce obstacles in any situation.

六、需要的不多 想要的太多 執著是苦海

Our needs are few, but our wants are many. Attachment causes sufferings.

七、心隨境轉是凡夫 境隨心轉是聖賢

Allowing the circumstances to dictate one’s state of mind is being ordinary; dictating the circumstances with one’s mind is being sage.

八、時時刻刻心存感激 以心力體力財力隨喜佈施

Always be grateful and share our heart, our strength, and our wealth with others when we can.

九、任勞者必堪任怨  任事者必遭批評 怨言之下有慈忍  批評之中藏金玉

The one who takes on tough tasks must endure complaints from others; and the one who is in charge will be unavoidably be criticized. Yet in complaint there are mercy and tolerance, and in criticism lie hidden treasures.

十、要能放下才能提起  提放自如自在人生

We must let go before we take on. We are truly free if we can pursue and release at will.

十一、在生活中不妨學著 能有很好 沒有也沒關係的想法 便能轉苦為樂

Try to learn this attitude in life: To have is good but to have not is fine too. Then suffering turns into joy.


Ask yourself: Do I need it? Should I have it? Can I have it? Must I have it?

十三、知道自己的缺點愈多  進步愈神速 對自己的信心愈堅定

The more weaknesses we discover about ourselves, the more progress we make, and the greater self-confidence we develop.

十四、唯有體驗苦難的境遇  才有精進發奮心

Only after encountering hardships will one develop vigorous diligence.

十五、話到嘴邊想一想 不是不說 需惜言慎語

Think twice before we open our mouth to speak. It is not to hold our peace but to speak with discretion and prudence.

十六、該要的才要 不該要不能要的絶對不要

Pursue only what we should acquire. Never pursue what we shouldn’t or can’t.

十七、少批評多讚美  是避免造口業的良方

To criticize less and praise more is a good way to avoid creating negative karma from speech.

十八、成功三步曲  隨順因緣  把握因緣  創造因緣

The tripartite formula for success is: go with the causes and conditions, seize them as they come, and create them when they don’t. 

十九、以妙智慧時時修正偏激  以慈悲心處處給予人方便

Rectify deviations with wisdom; accommodate others with compassion.

二十、俱足因緣宜把握  沒有因緣要營造 時機不到不強求

Grasp opportune conditions when they come, create them when there is none, and never press when the timing isn’t right.

二十一、人生真義是受業 還愿 發愿

The meaning of life is to bear karmic results, fulfill old vows, and make new ones.

二十二、人生意義是為了服務 生命價值是為了奉獻

The meaning of life lies in serving; the value of life rests with giving.

二十三、該放手時即放手 得饒人處且饒人即是忠恕

Let go when we should and forgive when we could. Doing that is practicing faithfulness and forgiveness.

二十四、面對複雜事務 以智導悲化解難題 以慈心待人 不計個人得失 煩惱較少

When confronted with complicated matters, guide our compassion with wisdom to solve the problems. We will worry less if we treat people with loving kindness and disregard our personal interests.

二十五、慈悲心愈有 智慧愈高 收穫愈多

The deeper our compassion is, the greater is our wisdom and the more are our gains.

二十六、過去已成幻滅 未來尚是夢想 把握現在最重要

The past has faded away; the future remains a dream. Most importantly, seize the day.

二十七、智慧不是知識 不是學問 不是思辨 是超越自我中心的執念

Wisdom is not knowledge, nor learning, nor dialectics; it is the transcendence of self-centered attachments and thoughts.

二十八、積極人生謙虛滿分 自我愈大不安愈多

A positive life pivots on modesty: the bigger the ego, the greater the insecurity.

二十九、知足知止 知足者不辱也 知止者不殆也 更能長遠

Know when to be content and when to apply restraint. The one who is content will avoid humiliation, and the one who applies restraint will avoid dangers.  One can go farther with these practices. 

三十、百行之本 忍之為善 六度萬行 忍辱第一  忍則百惡消滅  省則禍不及身 忍小忿而就大謀

Forbearance is the basic virtue among hundreds of approaches for cultivation, as well as the primary virtue among the myriad of practices in the Six Paramitas. Forbearance destroys hundreds of evils; introspection deflects disasters. Forbearance from small angers will help one reach greater goals.

三十一、宇宙內事 要擔當又需善擺脫 不擔當不能有經世之大材 不擺脫難有出世之胸襟

One should know how to shoulder responsibilities and how to let go of them for anything in the universe. A person who is not accountable cannot take on the responsibilities of this world. A person who cannot let go will have a difficult time leaving with grace and dignity.

三十二、弓硬常弦斷 人強禍必隨 君子盛德容若愚 謙則人愈服 自誇則人必疑

A stiff bow tends to break string often; a powerful person tends to attract trouble easily. An ideal person of sublime virtue seems slow-witted.  Humility commands respect; bragging leads to doubts.

三十三、優秀的辦道人才 是道場最大的資產 有品德 有能力 有適任的實力 有發揮的潛力

An excellent Tao propagator, who has virtues, capabilities, adequate abilities and potentials to fulfill, is the greatest asset to the Tao society.

三十四、修道內涵 深具內斂優雅的氣質 展現親和力

The inner qualities of Tao cultivation consist of having composed and refined temperaments, as well as friendly manners.

三十五、領人禪心 從糊塗中入 從聰明中出 不痴不聾難作家翁 人生難得糊塗

Guide others with a contemplative mind.  Start from flexibility but go with wisdom. A father-in-law chooses to be silly and deaf, because sometimes ignorance is bliss.

三十六、庸者常樂有餘 貧者常憂不足

A simple person is always content with sufficiency; a poor person is always worried about insufficiency.

三十七、激則有失 怨則無智 不可乘喜而多言 不可乘快而易事

Agitation leads mistakes; complaint dulls wits. Never speak too much under excitement; never rush things under elation.

三十八、眾生歡喜 佛就歡喜 佛若歡喜 眾生更是喜上加喜

When sentient beings are happy, the buddhas are happy. When the buddhas are happy, sentient beings will be more than happy.

As good thoughts congregate, the power is greater. Let bliss stay at this moment!

If we are not meant to be in the same family, fate would not have let us in the door. Since we are in the same family, no one is an outsider. The closer the relationship is to someone, the more we should learn to concede. Be more considerate and accountable. If we do more than others, then we can be a positive example.

When confronted with adversity, think about the cause first and then think about possible solutions. Stirred water goes against the current, fanned fire breaks out, and an agitated person instigates chaos.

Getting along well with a villain qualifies oneself for greater virtues. The more insults one gets, the stronger one's will becomes. It can eliminate spite and cease negative karma. What is there to lose? It would be difficult to determine the capacity of one's heart without encounters with a villain.

Use one's fortes; endure one's shortcomings. It is better to accomplish great moral integrity than to enforce minor justice. Benevolent people regard integrity as the golden rule.


Sometimes a foot may prove to be short while an inch may prove to be long. Employ people according to their talents. Deal with matters with a modest mind.

The process of birth, age, sickness and death is life's natural principle. Nobody can avoid it.

Our karmas accumulate unceasingly in each lifetime, and as a consequence, we have more and more karmic creditors. No debt can be canceled, and each is the result of the common karmas that originated from our hearts. Therefore, we have to be prudent and pious.

Our life script is created by ourselves during the past lives. We have to accept it delightedly. Confront each moment with an ordinary mind. Don't complain. As our mind is opened, our fate is reversed. 


We can uproot distress and ignorance only through sincere repentance of our sins.


Cultivation is to change bad habits. Only by eliminating bad habits can we get along well with others and have a peaceful and easy life.

As our desires grow, we want to gain. Gain makes us joyful; loss makes us painful. In gain and loss, we cause a lot of karmas. Cease pursuing and surpass our original self.


Have a Buddha mind, and then one's behavior will be proper. Proper behavior is derived from the Truth. Self-reflection based on the conscience and the Truth will result in loving kindness towards all sentient being.


Let the Great Tao deliver blessings! Where there are Tao cultivators, there are warmth and touchingness. Thus, disasters will stay away and people will live in harmony.

Pave roads with great love. Build bridges with great compassion. Lead with great wisdom. Balance with great intelligence. Touch others' hearts with great benevolence. Be selfless with greate justice. Endure with great vow. Persist with great action.   

When the Four Immeasurables (love, compassion, joy & equanimity) are stronger than karmas, they will turn disasters into harmony. Love can conquer all demons. Compassion can drive away all evils. Joyful prayer realizes wishes. Equanimity can spread widely all blessings.



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